Relationships part 4
So how did the talk go? Who actually did it? Was it as bad as you expected? Those of you who didn't, why not?
Everyone look at your hand: right now most of you are going to have approximately 10 important people in your life and this will stay pretty consistent throughout your life. We are going to take out our palms and family. Family can be the bones underneath (God of course working in all of it!) and the palm can be filled by the 2 closest people in your life.
Your palm people are who you are 100% comfortable with they know most everything and there aren't really any secrets. This will be filled by your best friend, you husband and or God. These people for the most part, will never change.
Then you are going to have your circle, your group, the ones you are with the most and call when you need something. We are going to call this group your close friends. You will have between 5-7 of these friends at any given time and they can include your family. Approximately 3 of these people will never change, they will be on your hand for life.
Then we have friends, the ones you know but don't really know. You occasionally do things with them but are not super close but enjoy their company.
Next you have your acquaintances, these people are not on your hand. You simply know them. Not everyone is your friend. You, for the most part, would never call this person up on the phone to chat and very rarely run in the same circles. You know each through mutual friends and that is about it.
I know that's general, but for the most part, everyone in your life will fall into one of those categories. At any given time any of those can change. The less in a group, the more likely they are to not change.
So as Christians, Christ was sent as our example. Who are Jesus' friends?
Lets take a stab at all the names, 12 spots lets go: (if you have enough time divide up apostles and the kids do the research!)
Simon Peter- best known as Peter and known for stepping out on the water and his 3 denials of Christ (Mt. 14:22-32 and 26:69-75). Peter was considered the spokesperson for all the apostles- he made quick decisions and actions. He was a special minster to the Jews in Galatians 2:8- He was also called Cepheus in John 1:42. He authored 1 and 2 Peter.
Andrew- Not much is known about Andrew, he responded to John the Baptist in 1 John 1:40 and told his brother Simon Peter and they went looking for the Messiah. The two brothers were the first to be called fishers of men in Matthew 4:18. He seems to have played a minor role compared to his brother, but was also present with Peter, James, and John in the garden. His only vocal pares are the feeding of the 5,000 in John 6:1-14 and Jesus' arrival in Jerusalem in Luke 19:28-35.
James- also called James the Greater to separate him from Games son of Alpaeus known as James the Less. Boanerges (James' last name) means son of Thunder. Both James and John had tempers and wanted to call fire down on the Samaritans like Elijah had done. Acts 12:12 tells us Herod had James executed making him the first of the 12 martyred.
John- brother of James the Greater, known as the disciple whom loved Jesus in John 13.23. John wrote 5 books, John, 12&3 John and Revelation. John is also listed as the head of the 2nd group of apostles.
Phillip- from the same town as Andrew and Peter, Phillip is always listed 5th and had strong ties to the Greek community. It is thought Phillip spoke Greek and Phillip is the apostle who prompted the question about the Trinity.
Thomas- known as doubting Thomas. He was not present for the Resurrection but wanted proof. He traveled as far as India to preach the gospel.
Bartholomew- Also known as Nathanial- mainly mentioned in John and usually with Phillip. One of the disciples that Jesus appeared to at the Sea of Galilee.
Matthew- Best known as the tax collector and son of Levi. Matthew was a witness of the resurrection and the ascension, usually paired with Thomas. Matthew preached the gospel for 15 years in Hebrew to the Jewish community in Judea before moving to other countries.
James of Alphaeus- thought to be Matthews brother, also known as James the Less. Believed to be beheaded in Acts 12:1-2 by Herod or that he was crucified in Ostrakine in lower Egypt where he was preaching. It is unclear which James is being referred to.
Simon the Zealot- not much is known about Simon, it is not recorded that he was a brother to Jesus from Joseph but it is believed they are related possibly as cousins.
Judas Iscariot- known for betraying Jesus and believed to have hung himself for guilt. Judas in many modern languages means traitor.
I know that was a lot of information really fast. But the point of today's lessons is who are your 12? Are they a good example for you and are you for them? Who's list are you on? What are your bonds with people and where do you stand? Know who you are and know who you are dealing with.
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