Wednesday, October 9, 2013

OC Lecturship

Sunday Night Kent Allen was the keynote speaker, here are a few notes from his lesson over the past, present, and future of the church.
1.) Minister in the Holy Spirit- persue him and his will Acts 4: 8-13 Acts 4
2.) Maintain a warm fellowship Acts 2.42-47 Acts 2
3.) Small groups Acts 2.46-47. They geniuenly enjoye being together and were able to grow be inviting people not to a "service" or a "tradition," but rather into their homes, into their lives. Be open about your faith by being open about yourself.
4.) Enlarge our vision of God Acts 4.24-26 God can do anything, we are the ones who put the limits on Him. Let Him work and get Him out of the box.
5.) Understand there is power in prayer. In the book of Acts it says "they prayed" 48 times. We must maximize our prayer and be generouse with it Acts 4.31.
6.) Equip and empower every member for ministry. If a church isn't growing it isn't healthy and there will always be problems. People have to be mobilized to serve. God exspects more out of us than to show up and give. We are not an audience, we are an army. Acts 6.1-6 Acts 6
7.) Advance with God's mission in ministry. Remember the commission and have a calling to share the faith. It took persecution in the early church to send people. Jesus came to give life, not have meetings. Work and family are the 2 places we spend the most time and those are both the largest fields we are calle to. It isn't "come and hear" but rather "go and tell". It will always boil down to telling someone about Jesus. Let your light shine. Acts 8.1-4 Acts 8

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