Monday, October 14, 2013

Ladies Day

This was a mulitiple part lesson that took place at Memorial Road on Monday morning. We met at 7:30 at our church and carpooled up, taking 3 seperate vehicles, we had a total of 6 that came for the main day lectureship. Here are some of the notes from the Ladies Day.

Donna Smith from Bixby C of C
Preparing for the future by looking to the Past

Hebrews 11

11.1 Confidence and conviction- acting without seeing results or acting in ways that are inexplicable to those without faith.
Windshield and rear view mirror. Are you so focused on the past that you can’t see where you are heading or are you so focused on where your going you pay no attention to danger that could have been avoided? We have to have balance, not forgetting, but looking forward.

From rubble came rubies- Bathsheba and Rahab were in the lineage of Jesus. Mary was shameful even though she had done nothing wrong.

Sarah Andrews missionary in Japan in 1916 and many people today still credit their Christianity to Sarah reaching their parents or grandparents, she went through all kinds of persecution including prison.

Irene Gatewood missionary in Germany 1948 founded Gamunden which is still used to this day as a retreat facility for the church all over Europe (I have been many times!).

Ephesians 2:10

Hebrews 12.1-3 cloud of witnesses

Psalm 23

Use the past in the present to impact the future. Share your story. It is yours to tell and no one else’s.

Phyllis Allen Memorial Road C of C

Preparing by embracing our roles in the church

 Jesus had a special bond with many women- Mark 16.9 he drove the demons out of Mary Magdalene.

Jesus used women in illustrations all the time and wanted them to hear his teachings.

He engaged women in their place- he met them where they were and helped them to serve. He saw women as having high value with unique gifts.

1 Tim 2:11-12
A woman should:
    Learn in quietness- does not mean silent but don’t be protesting or quarrelsome- no gossip or slander but serious studies.
    Not teach men in worship- not silent but not asserting authority.
    Not have authority over a man in worship. Titus 2:3-4 2 Tim 3.14 teach at home and teach younger women. Don’t overstep the men. Women are not meant to take over Gal 3.28 we are all equal in Gods eye.

Isaiah 58.8 Got has a plan and he’s got it all worked out

Find ways to serve where you are and with what you are already doing. There are always things that need to be done.

Mary Brookman Memorial Rd C of C
Preparing for the future by preparing through our children
Deuteronomy 6.5-7 Love with all your heart and your strength. Take care of your own faith first, model it before you teach it.

Exodus 3.4, 11.14 Become a “yes” woman. Saying yes to God is saying no to self and God has bigger plans than we do.

Learn to LET GO.

1 Sam 1. 27-38 Give them back to God, children are gifts from God but they are still his, we are stewards of them not owners.
Hebrews 11.13-16

Nancy Hartman Memorial Rd C of C
Preparing for the future by preparing through our children pt 2

Everyone needs to know how to process life. Life will be disappointing, unfair and hard. Teach them to look up to God and know they will get through.

Help them thing through the why of things happening even in the bible stories, how did these people feel in this situation.

Teach them to look in at their own hearts and their own motives- how am I spiritually, physically, and emotionally.

Talking to Brick Walls by Mike Donahue

Empowering youth to face battles- make sure they can share without fear, make sure they know who they are in Gods eyes. Who and whose they are.

Teach them to look out for others- make sure the older ones look out for the younger ones. Walk alongside them.

Make sure you and they know there is no failure beyond what God can use.

Barbara Duncan Memorial C of C Houston
Preparing for the future by doing battle with the devil

Ephesians 6.10-18

Secularism is a world without God which is chaos.

Busyness takes over and the devil flies in.

Stay focused on God and his will.

Don’t let any seeds of doubt grow.

 “The good is the enemy of the best” NT Wright

We must educate ourselves about Christ.

Do you know where you’re going and do you want to know?

Apathy or lack of concern- if we don’t care than someone else who does will come in. We must be joyful and faithful.

We must desire for others to be with Jesus too.

Monday was a great day of fellowship- I was able to hear some amazing stories of how and where God is working. I look forward to seeing what else he has in store!

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